Three Important Aspects of Having the Right Brand Identity

The idea of branding has changed throughout the years and depending on the setting. Traditionally, the use of a brand was to establish livestock or belongings as owned by a specific person. The modern use of branding is not much different, except it has a different purpose. Branding in the business sense is all about establishing a name, style, and vibe for a product or organization.


Having a strong brand identity can increase profits and create customers for life. Let’s talk about three important aspects of having the right brand identity. 


 The idea of branding has changed throughout the years and depending on the setting. Traditionally, the use of a brand was to establish livestock or belongings as owned by a specific person. The modern use of branding is not much different, except it has a different purpose. Branding in the business sense is all about establishing a name, style, and vibe for a product or organization.

Having a strong brand identity can increase profits and create customers for life. Let’s talk about three important aspects of having the right brand identity.

  1.     An appropriate logo. First, you must have an appropriate logo. Selecting a logo for your brand can be difficult because what appeals to you visually may not be what is best for your brand. For example, if you have a plant blog, then having a modern, sharp logo probably won’t fit the emotions you want to convey.
  2.     A consistent style. Next, you have to commit to a consistent style. Styling is one of the fun parts of having a brand, and being consistent with it allows customers to recognize your products from afar. A good example of this is Louboutin. You may not be aware of the Louboutin brand, but Most people will recognize the red bottoms and be able to attach that to an identity.
  3.     A unique value proposition. Finally, and most importantly, it is important for your company to develop a unique value proposition. A unique value proposition is something that establishes why your brand is different from competitors. This shows customers how you will solve their problems and why they should connect with you instead of the competition.


Having an established brand identity is integral to successful marketing. The clearer your brand, the easier it is to market to your target customer and the faster your business will grow. Whether you need help establishing a brand or developing a successful marketing plan to reach your target audience, Hyve Marketing can help you reach your business goals.

Hyve Marketing is a full-service marketing partner, we can manage all aspects of your marketing needs: vCMO services, branding and design, website development, digital marketing, social media management, paid search, content management, photography, and video production. Contact us today for a complimentary marketing analysis of your existing brand and collateral.